Worship Ministry

Worship is an integral aspect of the life of King’s Corner Church of God.  Every Sunday morning we spend time worshiping God together through music.  We use contemporary and traditional music to draw closer to God.  We allow people to worship as they are comfortable; which means that some may dance, raise their hands, sing, or simply sit in the presence of God.  We understand at Kings Corner Church that everyone worships in their own way.  We believe that the Holy Spirit is the one who guides us in our times of worship and we try to sensitively follow him.  Our goal during worship is to touch the heart of God and to see what the Holy Spirit wants to say to us.  We welcome all people to come and enjoy this time with us.
We have a great group of people that we work with week in and week out.  We are always looking to expand our pool of people that we can draw from to do worship with us.  We generally have a new song every couple of weeks.  We continue to practice as a group and try to get better at everything we do in our ministry.  
We usually practice in the mornings on Saturday at the church so that we are prepared to lead the people into worship on Sunday mornings or any other time we use worship during the week.
We pray that you will join us on Sunday mornings that together we may experience the heart of God and to hear His voice through worship.